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Big Chip & Butter Chocolate Cake Recipe

" Big Chip & Butter Chocolate Cake Recipe,Ingredients:,Toppings:,How to make Big Chip Chocolate Cake:"

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 Big Chip & Butter Chocolate Cake Recipe

 Big Chip & Butter Chocolate Cake

Dalgano - American Food | Crunchy and with a strong chocolate flavor, this is an American cake. They are a delicious snack for breakfast or a snack. The recipe is very easy to follow and if you have kids at home you can count on them to make the balls, they will love it!

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  • Unsalted butter (unsalted butter) - 125 grams
  • Powdered sugar - 125 grams
  • Low protein flour - 200 grams
  • Cocoa powder - 25 grams
  • Egg - 1 egg
  • Vanilla paste - 1 tsp
  • Choco chips- 150 grams


  • Choco chips - according to taste

How to make Big Chip Chocolate Cake:

  1. Combine butter, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, eggs, and vanilla. Beat using a mixer until smooth.
  2. Enter the flour while sifting using a fine sieve, stir with a spatula until blended.
  3. Add choco chips, mix well again.
  4. Preheat the oven, set it aside.
  5. Prepare a baking sheet, lightly grease with margarine.
  6. Take 1 teaspoon of dough and put it on a baking sheet. Smooth using a fork or fingertips. Run until all the dough is used up.
  7. Sprinkle choco chips on top of each cake.
  8. Bake the cake in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes until cooked. Lift.
  9. Ready to serve or can be placed in an airtight jar after the cake has cooled.