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Street snacks hits from Korea, how to make tokebi or hotang

"Street snacks hit from Korea, how to make tokebi or hosting,Ingredients,Sauce,How to make it"

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Street snacks hit from Korea, how to make tokebi or hosting

Dalgano - Recipes Korean | Hartog, tokebi, or hosting? Whatever the name, this contemporary food is also popular all over the world. We started off in South Korea and then moved to Japan, where we can now get fried snacks in almost every country.

Hosting or tokebi, as per the base, are a type of corndog, made from sausage or cheese skewered on a stick, and coated in flour dough. Tokebi dibalur pieces of fried potatoes again as a variation. We can achieve a variety of textures and flavors at once when eaten. How do you make tokebi on your own?

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Street snacks hits from Korea, how to make tokebi or hotang

Street snacks hit from Korea, how to make tokebi or hosting


  • 350-gram pancake mix
  • 75 ml liquid milk
  • 5-5 large sausages (eg
  • bratwurst/knockwurst)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • frozen french fries
  • enough skewers
  • the right amount of oil


  • Fine-grained granulated sugar to taste
  • Tomato sauce/chili sauce to taste
  • Honey mustard to taste

How to make it:

  1. Combine the pancake mix, eggs, and milk in a bowl. Stir until smooth, then pour into a tall glass to make dipping sausages easier later.
  2. Cut the fried potatoes into cubes, then set aside.
  3. Pierce the sausage with a skewer, and coat it with dry flour so that the pancake batter sticks perfectly.
  4. Sausage skewers into the pancake batter are always coated. After that, roll the frozen potatoes. Press down on the pancake batter for the potatoes to stick together.
  5. Heat a lot of cooking oil, then fry skewered sausages over medium heat. Make sure the pancake batter is cooked through and the potatoes are golden on the inside. Kur