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Recipes Manado Porridge Tinutuan North Sulawesi Culinary

"Recipes Manado Porridge Tinutuan North Sulawesi Culinary,Manado Porridge Tinutuan,Material:,How to cook Manado Porridge Tinutuan:,Tinutuan or Manado P"

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Recipes Manado Porridge Tinutuan North Sulawesi Culinary

Dalgano Recipes - Tinutuan or Manado Porridge is one of the typical Indonesian foods from North Sulawesi, precisely in the city of Manado. But some say that Tinutuan porridge is a typical Minahasa food, North Sulawesi. This porridge is made from a mixture of several kinds of vegetables and contains no meat at all. Before looking at food recipes, you can check the previous post, namely Top Unique Culinary Indonesia Country.

Recipes  Manado Porridge Tinutuan Norfh Sulawesi Culinary
 Manado Porridge Tinutuan

Tinutuan porridge typical of Manado Tinutuan is a mixture of various kinds of vegetables, does not contain meat, so this food can be a social food between community groups in Manado. Tinutuan is usually served for breakfast along with a variety. Tinutuan is a typical Manado food made from porridge with a mixture of various vegetables. You can make Manado typical tinutuan porridge using 20 ingredients and 4 ways to make it. here's how to make it.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 200 g fluffier rice, wash, drain
  • 4 sweetcorns, comb the seeds
  • 400 g yellow sweet potato, cut into small pieces
  • 400 g pumpkin, cut into small pieces
  • 200 g spinach leaves
  • 200 g kale leaves
  • 2 spring onions, coarsely chopped
  • 4 stalks of catfish
  • 40 basil leaves daun
  • 4 teaspoons salt

How to cook Manado Porridge Tinutuan:

  1. Bring water to a boil, add rice.
  2. Cook until the rice is half cooked.
  3. Add corn, sweet potato, and pumpkin.
  4. Cook until completely soft.
  5. Add spinach leaves, kale leaves, scallions, catfish, and basil.
  6. Simmer until wilted.
  7. Add salt, mix well. Lift.
  8. Serve with Complementary.

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